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Rock climbing

Climbing is a natural-born pleaser, with that awesome balance game of your body in verticality. Climbing is both exhilaration and self-realization. Each moment spent on a rock will be joyous. As you have the chance to learn new skills, you will discover a whole new playground, from here to the end of the world.

Today, climbing is a complex and complete sport, with its own vocabulary and unique gear, both from decades of experience. It is one of the activities with the sharpest expansion. In the last few years, millions of climbers around the world have found themselves.

The environment surrounding this sport has changed a lot. First done in mountain passes and ridges, and then on more difficult rock faces, it is now developing in almost-urban cliffs and is now done with the use of articifial structures.

The risk factor has always been present. Security is not dealt with in the same manner on a cliff or on a mountain than on an artificial structure. Estimating risk is at the base of the climber’s skills. To become an experienced and reliable climber, someone has to learn a lot, developping alongside physical, technical and mental strengths.

Whatever your skill level is, BeMountain guides will teach you the necessary knowledge for safe sporting and give you the tools to advance in your climbing.

Education - Our program

Length of stay
SwitzerlandAlpinisme Coaching 1 : Acquérir et approfondir l'expérience en montagne6 daysLevel 1
SwitzerlandAlpinisme Coaching 2 : Perfectionnement individuel sur des courses pour avancés6 daysLevel 2
SwitzerlandAlpinisme Coaching 3 : Une nouvelle progression dans les difficultés techniques pour arriver à des courses qui s’adressent aux bons grimpeurs.5 daysPro
SwitzerlandAlpinisme Cours d'introduction. Apprendre à connaître la diversité des montagnes.4 daysBasics
SwitzerlandAlpinisme Cours de base de 6 jours : votre première semaine de haute montagne6 daysBasics
SwitzerlandCamp d'escalade pour enfants de 8 à 13 ans6 daysBasics
SwitzerlandCours d’escalade au centre d'escalade de St-Légier en petit groupe ou en privé1 heureBasics
SwitzerlandInitiation à l'escalade0.5 dayBasics
SwitzerlandOutside climbing initiation around Coire - Rhein Valley1 dayBasics
SwitzerlandSchnupper- und Auffrischungskurs Fels und Eis. Klettergarten und Hochgebirge.2 daysBasics
10 showed program(s) on 10
To carry out the tours on which you dream, hire a mountain guide on a private basis.

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